Definition: The ability to reproduce a particular movement without conscious thought, acquired as a result of frequent repetitions of that movement.
If you want to accelerate your learning process, take muscle memory very seriously. To excel in any sport, the body must already know what the mind will tell it to do. For this reason, you must repeat a motion thousands of time until it is imprinted in your mind and body.
Muscle memory drill:
You can practice the muscle memory drill during any part of your swing. If you want to make a change in your swing simply use the muscle memory drill to make the change.
Here is how it works:
Stop and stay at any position for a few seconds or longer and eventually, unconsciously, your brain will adjust to the change.
Here are the 4 key areas where you can practice the muscle memory drill while executing your golf swing, as shown in the images above.
- Posture position
- Backswing at 45 degrees
- Before impact (make sure you feel the weight shift to your left leg)
- The end of the follow through (top of finish swing)
By stopping at a particular area in your swing and maintaining this position for a period of a few seconds, your body will adjust and adopt this new position. You will have to practice this drill many times in order for this new change to become muscle memory.
Does muscle memory work?
Yes it works. Here is an example: When you get into your vehicle and start the engine using your key, you are positioning your arm, wrist and hand in a precise position for the key to go into the key hole. You have done this so many times that muscle memory takes over when you start your vehicle. Your hand automatically brings your key to the key hole without even thinking about it. This is called muscle memory.
If you buy yourself another vehicle, you find yourself looking for the key hole with your key in order to start the engine. The reason for this is because the key hole may be located in a different area. After a few days, muscle memory takes over again and the motion of placing the key in the key hole will come automatically. This is called muscle memory.
Keep in mind, the muscle memory drill can be practiced in many sports including golf.
If you are really serious about wanting to learn how to play golf, you must start by reading and understanding how this game is played.
This educational program will provide you with approximately 4 hours of golf lessons by e-mail. “10 MINUTES A DAY AND I’LL SHOW YOU HOW TO PLAY” online.
Each lesson is approximately 10 minutes long. You will receive a “10 minute lesson”, every 2 days via your e-mail.
Every lesson will take approximately 10 minutes to learn and understand. CLICK HERE for a sample lesson or click the image below.
These lessons will explain different aspects of the golf game such as: the setup, alignment, grip, transfer your weight, full swing, putting, chipping, pitching and much more.
You will also learn how to use muscle memory, visualization and your little black book.
This program will also teach you different techniques, with numerous educational drills, used to produce the best swing at each and every positions throughout the golf course.
These educational drills will explain in details, with pictures and videos, how to use each and every golf club in your bag.
Welcome to my “Step by Step Home Interactive Golf Program” where you will learn the following:
- Set up (5 elements);
- Full swing (weight transfer and speed);
- Putting (distance and direction);
- Chipping (technique and club selections);
- Pitching (pitch & run shot – technique and club selections);
- Pitching (lob shot- technique and club selections);
- Mental side (pre shot routine and visualization);
- Strategies (risk & queen methods); and
- Plan your game.
Why wait, you know you want this so now is the time to TAKE ACTION. The information is all there for you to learn, practice, play and have fun all at the same time.
This “5 SWING GOLF PROGRAM” EBOOK 5, also makes a real nice gift for all occasions, such as Christmas, Birthdays, Fathers’ Day, Mothers’ Day or maybe a gift for a friend or even yourself. JUST CLICK THE “SHOP NOW” BUTTON BELOW AND ENJOY!