1- Distance drill:
If you want to improve your putting green, on the putting green, practice the distance drill. Place 5 to 10 balls in a straight line one behind each other. Start by putting the closest one to the hole and focus on putting the ball in the hole. If you miss the hole, try putting the ball at least 4 to 6 inches past the hole, as shown in the images above and below.
2- Direction drill:
Putt one ball with another ball at least 3 feet away, as shown in the image above. If you can putt a ball with another ball, you should have less difficulty putting a ball in a hole of 4 1/2 inches in diameter.
Line up the putter and try putting one ball with another ball. See how many consecutive putts you can make. If you miss, you must start over. The direction drill is a great way to improve your accuracy.
3- Straight back, straight through drill:
Place two clubs on the ground, as shown in the images above.
The stroke should be straight back and straight through the clubs.
Place a ball between the clubs and make your stroke trying not to touch the clubs, as shown in the image above.
You can also putt a ball at your target, making sure the putter head is following a straight line string, as shown in the image above.
4- Tee drill:
The ability to putt a ball between tees requires you to concentrate more. This tee drill will improve your overall putting stroke, as shown in the image above.
5- Circle drill:
Place 4 or 5 balls around the putting hole at approximately 3 feet from the hole. Try this circle drill by putting all balls in the hole. If you miss one ball, start over. After succeeding all balls from 3 feet away, expand your distance to 4 feet and so on, as shown in the image above and the video below.
6- Ladder drill:
You can use tees for the ladder drill. Try putting the ball from the beginning of the ladder to the end of the ladder, as shown in the image above.
7- Tic tac toe drill:
Play the tic tac toe drill. This is a great game in order to understand the distance when putting, as shown in the image above.
8- Breaking putt drill:
When practicing the breaking putt drill, make sure you practice all 4 types of angle break putts, such as, putting from left to right, right to left, uphill and downhill, as shown in the images above.
Position yourself at different areas on the practice putting green and try to make these different putts, as shown in the image below.
9- Putting game:
This putting game is a great drill and can teach you to perform under pressure when playing against your friends or adversaries.
Pick 9 spots throughout the putting green, at different distances and angles, identified by flags, as shown in the image below. Play 1 ball from each hole as a par 2, essentially creating a 9 hole golf course on the practice putting green.
Completing your score cards on a regular bases will provide you with great feedback on the progress you’re making with your putting, as shown in the image above. This is a lot quicker than a full round of golf.
If you are really serious about wanting to learn how to play golf, you must start by reading and understanding how this game is played.
This educational program will provide you with approximately 4 hours of golf lessons by e-mail. “10 MINUTES A DAY AND I’LL SHOW YOU HOW TO PLAY” online.
Each lesson is approximately 10 minutes long. You will receive a “10 minute lesson”, every 2 days via your e-mail.
Every lesson will take approximately 10 minutes to learn and understand. CLICK HERE for a sample lesson or click the image below.
These lessons will explain different aspects of the golf game such as: the setup, alignment, grip, transfer your weight, full swing, putting, chipping, pitching and much more.
You will also learn how to use muscle memory, visualization and your little black book.
This program will also teach you different techniques, with numerous educational drills, used to produce the best swing at each and every positions throughout the golf course.
These educational drills will explain in details, with pictures and videos, how to use each and every golf club in your bag.
Welcome to my “Step by Step Home Interactive Golf Program” where you will learn the following:
- Set up (5 elements);
- Full swing (weight transfer and speed);
- Putting (distance and direction);
- Chipping (technique and club selections);
- Pitching (pitch & run shot – technique and club selections);
- Pitching (lob shot- technique and club selections);
- Mental side (pre shot routine and visualization);
- Strategies (risk & queen methods); and
- Plan your game.
Why wait, you know you want this so now is the time to TAKE ACTION. The information is all there for you to learn, practice, play and have fun all at the same time.
This “5 SWING GOLF PROGRAM” EBOOK 5, also makes a real nice gift for all occasions, such as Christmas, Birthdays, Fathers’ Day, Mothers’ Day or maybe a gift for a friend or even yourself. JUST CLICK THE “SHOP NOW” BUTTON BELOW AND ENJOY!